Working in 3 Dimensional Forms involves a balance between line in space and mass. The sensuousness of the materials lend themselves to a balance of positive form and negative space; smooth polished surfaces versus rough textured areas; a juxtaposition of masculine and feminine attributes. I find inspiration in the sensuality of the human body, as well as forms in nature. The stone often dictates its own shapes and planes, so it intuitively speaks a direction.
Direct carving in stone allows exploration of the intrinsic nature of the natural material. The veining patterns in the marble often dictate directional form. Intuition guides curves and planes and a counterbalance is created between rougher, hand chiseled areas and smooth, polished surfaces. The hidden beauty of the stone is revealed in the sanding process and is both mysterious and beautiful. In bronze casting, the working materials of clay or wax are soft, pliable, and expressive in nature. The finished surface of the bronze is determined in the early creation phase in wax or clay.
Regardless of the material, my aim is to capture and convey the “essence” of a piece, whether a human form, an abstract shape, or a form found in nature. I am deeply interested in the emotional aspect — the inner spirit of an object or idea. This unfolding of the fundamental nature of the material (combining realism with abstraction) subscribes to the ethic of “truth to materials” that masters before me have discovered, and which I too seek to explore.